Friday, May 13, 2011

Manchurian Candidate (2004)

Caught this one on AMC this morning.  I have seen both this and the Frank Sinatra version before, but don't remember a whole lot of the details, so I thought I'd give it a go.  I remember thinking that the Frank Sinatra version wasn't even close to the new one so don't plan on me comparing the two.

Soldiers in the Gulf War are kidnapped and brainwashed to create a valiant war story for a future president.  When one of the soldiers becomes aware of the scheme through his dreams he begins to investigate and convince the others.


According to Imdb, I like this film a little more than the general public, which, being the movie snob I am, isn't typical.  The casting in the film is impeccable.  Obviously, the characters would be slightly different if played by different actors but I think they just "worked".  It surprises me that it wasn't as widely accepted as I would expect.  There's a strangeness to the brainwashing scenes, a creepiness.  I enjoyed and valued this, but I could see were it may put the film outside the general audience.  Denzel Washington, Liev Schreiber, and Meryl Streep all perform greatly and heighten the experience, needed for any great thriller.  I suggest it to anyone over the age of 13, especially to fans of Denzel. 

In 2004, when the movie came out, it was election year and perhaps that influenced the favor of the movie.  I remember some hubbub over Kerry's military experience.  I could see where some may see this as an attack, or at least touchy subject.  Nonsense really, but I don't know as the detective at 221b would say "food for thought".

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