Monday, May 30, 2011

The 30 Day Movie Challenge: Day 01

Day 01 -- The best movie you saw during the last year.


So starting off with a tricky one, because I could take this to mean a new or old movie.  For sake of making it a little easier on myself I decided to pick from movies that came out in the past year.  Unfortunately, I can't wow readers with my wide range of movie viewing on this one.  Inception was definitely my favorite film last year as I'm sure it was for most.  A creative witty drama, mixed with action, and a blend of some of my favorite actors(JGL, Dicaprio, Cillian Murphy, Pete Postlethwaite and the very beautiful Marion Cotillard).  Great Effects and great editing finished off what was undoubtedly a great movie.

Please throughout the 30 day challenge I encourage viewers to comment at the bottom with what there answer would be.  As an avid movie watcher I am always eager to hear about things I may have missed out on.  To comment just click the ("#" comments) at the bottom of the post and it will link you to a page where you can type.

Thank You.       

1 comment:

  1. Gotta agree on Inception being the best I saw in the last year. I also really enjoyed King's Speech, thought it was a really good performance by Firth and Rush. But yea, Inception took the cake for me.
