Roger Ferris (Leonardo Dicaprio) is a CIA operative working in the Middle East taking orders from Ed Hoffman (Russell Crowe) his control at Langley. Cynicism is everywhere. In Amman, Jordan, Roger works with Hani Salaam, Jordan's head of security to pursue a cleric known to be of high terrorist rank. When plans go awry Hani desides not to allow America to use Jordanian double agents. Ed and roger must then create a body of lies in order to draw out the cleric.
32/50 Eggs

In the past few years Leonardo Dicaprio has done very well at making movies entertaining. It could be that he has what I call the Tom Hanks ability, meaning he has a adept skill of picking good movies. I wouldn't go as far as saying he's Daniel Day Lewis, but I have a hard time not liking a movie he's in. I can't say anything wowed me in the film. Mark Strong did his normal stern, I'm serious as a heart attack role. Crowe had a few good lines but his performance was far from memorable. I did like the craftiness of the lies the two main characters weave. It gave the film quite a bit of creativity, which I value immensely. Like I said, not amazing, but definitely worth a watch.
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