So, not really sure how underrated Hidalgo is, but I definitely feel I like the film way more then the average person. This one was hard for me, but I'd score it about 2 more out of 10 then what it is on imdb so I think it fits. Viggo Mortensen is perfect for the role, and horse movies are always beautiful and inspiring. I think it got a lower rating, because its produced by Disney, meaning its target audience is younger and the dialogue can be hokey, but to me its pretty well written. Something about the end of the race always chokes me up too. Let me know what you thought. Thanks.
Well I haven't seen Hidalgo, so I can't really comment on it. But for me it's undoubtedly The Island, with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson. Only got a 6.9 out of 10 on IMDB, but I put it more in the 8.3-8.5 range. I thought the plot was intriguing and original, as well as very well acted out. Just a really interesting idea to me that kept my attention for the whole movie. The cinematography was very well done and the aesthetics were great, and Johansson is fine which doesn't hurt. One of my favorite movies to be honest.