Number 3 on the list of movies to watch. Not really sure why I picked this one to watch since I'm not really watching the films in order, however these first three are close to the beginning of the list. Mainly, due to the fact, that it was already available online and I wouldn't have to go pay 3 dollars to watch it, but also I wanted to in a sense get it over with. Some movies you watch for the entertainment, some you watch for the impression they may make on your life. This will be one of those, I'm pretty sure.
Four fascist libertines round up Jewish teenage boys and girls and subject them to 120 days of physical, mental and sexual torture.
29/50 Eggs

I watched this back on Friday, and its now Monday... I've been a little busy the past few days, but mainly I've been dreading writing this. Assuming you've read what the movie was about, you can understand how hard the movie may have been to watch. It was.... tough.... to watch, like Deliverance tough. Up until now, I've always said Deliverance was the hardest movie for me to watch, we'll ladies and gentlemen we have a new champion. I was curious as to what others said about the film so I had to look at imdb's reviews, and it was a either love or hate. I wouldn't say so much as love, however, as they acknowledged that the movie had a powerful message, and that the message was important enough to be visualized. The opposing view being that the movie is just a pointless display of debauchery that know one should watch. I feel more towards the positive, but like I said, it's painful to watch. I can't see many people watching this so I have no problem saying that there is really no plot to the film, it's just exactly what it says above. There are positives worth noting one being the setting is really beautiful. The contrast, how can something so utterly revolting be going on in such a majestic place like this. Secondly, the directing really conveys the emotions needed to make a powerful impact.
My suggestion to you, is don't watch this movie. I repeat do not watch this movie. You will, and I guarantee it, find it hard to eat after watching this. If for some reason you find that its necessary for you to watch it, do a google search of "salo" first. Also, if you do in fact watch it, please comment, because I would like to hear your ideas.