This thirty day challenge is making me want to go watch certain movies that I've mentioned so chances are I'll be reviewing quite a few of them over the next few weeks. Not sure really why I picked this one as opposed to any of the others, but I just wanted to watch it.
Held yearly for centuries, the Ocean of Fire--a 3,000 mile survival race across the Arabian desert--was a challenge restricted to the finest Arabian horses ever bred, the purest and noblest lines, owned by the greatest royal families. In 1890, a wealthy sheik invited an American, Frank T. Hopkins, and his horse to enter the race for the first time. During the course of his career, Hopkins was a cowboy and dispatch rider for the U.S. cavalry--and had once been billed as the greatest rider the West had ever known. The Sheik puts his claim to the test, pitting the American cowboy and his mustang, Hidalgo, against the world's greatest Arabian horses and Bedouin riders--some of whom are determined to prevent a foreigner from finishing the race. For Frank, the Ocean of Fire becomes not only a matter of pride and honor, but a race for his very survival as he and his horse attempt the impossible.
43/50 Eggs

A wonderful adventure movie about courage in the face of extreme difficulty, loyalty, honor, dedication, and seeing beyond ones needs to the needs of others. May be be rated poorly because of anti-Arab sentiment. Get over it and experience a noble movie. This movie has beautiful cinematography and the acting is solid. Viggo Mortensen did a fabulous job. My only minor grievance on acting ability is with the Sheik's daughter, but not everything can be perfect. The casting on the characters including the beautiful Hidalgo, played by TJ, is excellent. However, the movie is somewhat predictable and doesn't have the adult grittiness that I generally value in film, so its weird that I enjoy it so much. But there is enough tense action sequences to heighten the experience. The fact that the story is based on a true-life character, Frank Hopkins, is just icing on the cake. If you like horses at all you will be drawn in from the beginning and held spellbound throughout. If you don't like horse movies this ones probably not for you, because, you're an idiot, everyone likes horse movies.
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